The Canadian Nurse Regulators Collaborative (CNRC)

The Canadian Nurse Regulators Collaborative (CNRC) supports and enables collaboration to advance regulatory excellence across Canada.

CNRC is a collective of individual regulatory authorities who are legislated to regulate Licensed Practical Nurses, Registered Nurses, Nurse Practitioners and Registered Psychiatric Nurses in Canada in the public interest.

Language Proficiency Assessment Tests
Tests d’évaluation des compétences linguistiques

Communicating effectively in English or French is critical to providing safe nursing practice in Canada.  Language tests are one method to assess language proficiency. A key activity for a language proficiency test to be accepted is standard-setting. 

Standard-setting procedures involve a scientific methodology and subject-matter experts’ consensus to establish and justify passing scores and to support the policy issue of how good a performance must be to be considered good enough. These cut- scores are used to determine if candidates have achieved the language proficiency standard required for practicing as Registered Nurses (RNs), Licensed Practical Nurses (LPNs) (referred to Registered Practical Nurses in Ontario only), and Registered Psychiatric Nurses (RPNs) in Canada.

In 2022, CNRC reviewed and updated the language proficiency requirements that were established in 2011.  Cutscores/benchmark levels for the Canadian English Language Benchmark Assessment for Nurses (CELBAN), International English Language Testing System (IELTS) Academic, and Test d’ D'Évaluation de Français (TEF) Canada were updated.

Recently, CNRC completed the standard-setting scores for the Occupational English Test (OET) and the Pearson Test of English (PTE) Academic based on CNRC’s updated 2022 cut scores/benchmark levels for listening, reading, writing and speaking. 

The cutscores/benchmark levels for all five language proficiency tests are provided in the table below.

Note: The OET utilizes both letter grades and scale scores to comprehensively assess the candidate’s proficiency in English for healthcare communication.  Letter grades ranging from A to E, indicate overall proficiency levels, with A representing the highest and E the lowest (there is also one letter grade, C, which includes both C and C+). The subject matter experts panel considered prioritized the use of the letter grades for setting OET cut scores considering the broader recognition and acceptance of letter grades by regulatory bodies, employers and educational institutions in the healthcare sector. This decision ensures alignment with industry standards and facilitates mor informed decision-making by regulatory bodies.

Remarque : l'OET utilise à la fois des notes sous forme de lettres et de barèmes pour évaluer de manière exhaustive les compétences du candidat en anglais pour la communication dans le domaine de la santé.  Les notes allant de A à E indiquent le niveau de compétence global, A représentant le niveau le plus élevé et E le niveau le plus bas (il existe également une note, C, qui comprend à la fois C et C+). Le groupe d'experts en la matière a donné la priorité à l'utilisation des notes en lettres pour fixer les notes de passage de l'OET, compte tenu de la reconnaissance et de l'acceptation plus larges des notes en lettres par les organismes de réglementation, les employeurs et les établissements d'enseignement dans le secteur des soins de santé. Cette décision garantit l'alignement sur les normes du secteur et facilite la prise de décisions plus éclairées par les organismes de réglementation.